Here are some of the nice reviews Boomerang has received from readers on Amazon UK
Enjoyable read,
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
Didn't really know what to expect but I'm glad I bought it! a few times it had me chuckling out loud to the amusement of my OH. In places it reminded me of the books by Carl Hiaasen so definitely good value for 71p! fast action and fun filled!,
Freddiesmum "Karen" (manchester england) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
That about covers it really, its very fast moving and you have to concentrate as there are quite a lot of characters doing a lot of things, all at once, or so it seems! This does give the story a fast and furious mood, which lends well to the story. I found the descriptions of the funny bits to be very well done, I could easily picture the assorted people and the things going on, it was like an Ealing Studios comedy unfolding in my head! Some real laugh out loud moments, some cringeworthy action....all very well put together I felt.
A nice bit of fun, well worth a read I feel, and I will look for more from this writer.
A Wonderful Quirky Caper,
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
Boomerang is a wonderfully exuberant chase caper, a cleverly executed laugh out loud gem full of quirky characters, impossible scenarios, unlikely allies, all pulled together by the brilliantly skilful penmanship of Alan Hutcheson. An absolutely wonderful book...a joy to read from start to hectic finish. A good, involving, humerous (sic) read,
bookie (Essex, England) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
Finally, a cheap kindle book that is well written, I was beginning to think the cheap books a ruse to make you buy kindles only to find the cheap stuff was rubbish and you had to buy the full price ones. This book put my doubts to rest, the characters are well drawn and the plot although slightly off-beat works well. A good, humerous (sic) and involving read.
An excellent read,
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
Boomerang is an excellent read, and very, very funny in parts. It was the first book to make me laugh out loud in a long time. If you like a plot with quirky characters I would highly recommend Boomerang. I hope there is a sequel on the way!!! 5.0 out of 5 stars Write the screenplay soon!,
Gewitty (Lincolnshire, UK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
Have the Coen brothers seen this story yet? It's their next movie. If you loved the dark humour of 'Fargo' or 'No Country For Old Men', this book is for you. Fast-paced, original, and well-written; 'Boomerang' ticks all the boxes. And at the price, it's a steal.
5.0 out of 5 stars Struck a chord, 23 Jan 2011
This review is from: Boomerang (Paperback)
A while ago I bought this book for my husband. He hardly moved from the sofa and chuckled away (quite an event in his life)and so I wanted to read the whole thing through myself. My husband once had a Gibson guitar which he loved dearly, and a Gibson features in the book, and so I had expected it to be something he'd like but I was truly delighted to find it an absolutely hilarious read for both of us. Boomerang has characters that enthralled and it is pacy and touching. Much enjoyed.
4.0 out of 5 stars Thanks for the recommendation, 22 Jan 2011
Paul (Basildon, Essex United Kingdom) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
I was reading one of the discussion boards and someone recommended this. I read lots so enjoy finding new authors to try out. I really enjoyed this book. It felt like a ben elton one- only better written :)
A nice mixture of characters who you could picture in the bizarre situations described throughout the story.
Well worth buying
5.0 out of 5 stars A film in the waiting, 27 Dec 2010
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is fast paced with excellent characterisation and humour. The story moves through action rather than narrative with characters developing through dialogue and interaction. It is a very visual book and a story that would make an excellent comic film. I hope it does transfer to the screen and I'll be there watching it and laughing at the dialogue and slapstick humour! 4.0 out of 5 stars A comedy caper, 12 Dec 2010
TopCat "TC" (Devon) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
I've been reading a lot of thrillers and murder mysteries so fancying a change and something humourous I thought I would give this, which has received some very good reviews, a try. It's an out and out comedy caper filled with a cast of dysfunctional characters. They are all trying to get their hands on a boomerang containing secrets dating back to the time of J Edgar Hoover. The story is told from a host of viewpoints, including that of a dog, yet somehow the author manages to ensure they all receive enough attention, putting plenty of flesh on the bones of the various characters. The under-employed employees of AABC were particularly amusing, I could just imagine their situation is probably too close for comfort to some government departments.
It was definitely a laugh out loud book at points, although it didn't have me in stitches in the way say a Ben Elton book often does. I liked the narrative style and despite the number of characters and everything going on never felt like I was struggling to keep up with who was who, or what they were doing and why. This is a book I really liked, good fun and light-hearted, and another Kindle 72p bargain
It seems Boomerang made a Scotsman laugh till the tears came. That's good, right?
5.0 out of 5 stars Boomerang, 17 Nov 2010
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
This is a book that I will struggle to finish! I assume it's just my sense of humour but at times I had tears running down my face!This has been one of the funniest books I've read! I don't know if that was the intention, but it is,to me, first class! The Head of AABC pondering about his position was just so funny! Thanks to the author,Alan Hutchison, for a great book! 5.0 out of 5 stars Boomerang - Kindle, 13 Nov 2010
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
At the start of the week I was lamenting the fact that I no longer had my copy of The Big Lebowski on DVD and that it still hasn't appeared on Blu-ray yet, then I stumble across a book called Boomerang on kindle that feels right at home being mentioned in such esteemed company. I purchased the book yesterday and finished it today, it's a real page turner! I felt instantly drawn into the world that Alan Hutcheson has created for his characters. The main protagonists you'll end up rooting for will probably be Jerry & Ted, their reunion Outside Cafe Verdi, North Beach San Francisco had me in hysterics! Doreen and Amelia run them a close second though!
Every step of the journey taken to this tales conclusion was really enjoyable and the books pacing is good throughout and the ending is well executed. Had a bit of the Tarantino's about it too.
At 69 pence the book is fantastic value and well worth a look. Mrs Yee demands that you do!
5 stars out 5!
And here are the latest reader reviews on Amazon US:
5.0 out of 5 stars Fun Fun Read!, May 18, 2011
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
In order to save his pawned guitar, Ted Hogwood accepts an assignment from a branch of the government that isn't even official. His partner on this assignment is Jerry Kwiatkowski and their mission is to steal a boomerang that contains secrets that should have died with J. Edgar Hoover. What stands in their path? A crossbow wielding assassin, two unemployed Australian women, the director of Central Intelligence and an ex-cheerleader! Got your attention yet? Is your eyebrow raised? It should be! This book was a really fun read and Alan's writing style reminded me at times of the late Douglas Adams. The deeper into the plot you get, the more you can tell the characters are in a situation that's way over their heads. It's quirky, funny and really hard to put down. I found myself wondering how this all would come together and then when it did I was highly amused. It was really sad when this fun trip ended and I do hope to see these characters again somewhere down the road.
5.0 out of 5 stars. Very, very funny,
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
I loved this book. I rarely re-read a book but I think I may have to in this case just to be sure I didn't miss a funny bit because I was pushing through it so fast. I have to admire the author's cleverness. He has so many characters all with their own part to play and all balanced like spinning plates on sticks and, just as you think he may have forgotten one, he or she pops up in the most unlikely place. All the characters are well-fleshed out and engaging from the dog next door to the chief of the CIA. I loved them all. My favourite was Doreen. What a wonderful character. I chuckle to myself even now as I think of her. A close second would have been Paul, the teen. He was great. I hope Mr Hutcheson plans on a sequel as I would love to meet some of these characters again.
At the price it was the best bargain ever but, even if it was full-price, I would still be counting myself lucky that I stumbled on it.
Pure gold. Thank you Mr Hutcheson for the hours of sheer reading enjoyment I got from your book.
5.0 out of 5 stars Well written and wonderfully entertaining!, October 23, 2010
By | CJ in CO "CJ" (CO) - See all my reviews |
This review is from: Boomerang (Paperback)
I loved this book! Alan Hutcheson is a very talented writer. I am amazed at how he set the stage for this story. Each chapter of the book details the events of different characters that in the beginnning seem unrelated. However, as the story unfolds, each character or set of characters are drawn from places as far away as Australia to a little house in Arizona. Once each party involved in this tale find their way to a dark, soggy Arizona backyard in their pursuit of a handcrafted boomerang, the conclusion of their quest is delightful, entertaining, and satisfying . The characters are funny - some are wonderfully likeable, and some you just like to hate. I plan to read this book again sometime soon! Here's one from a UK reader who read Boomerang on his new Kindle.
4.0 out of 5 stars Great read, 9 Oct 2010
By | Dave - See all my reviews |
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
A well written, well paced story. With lots of characters to juggle there is always a danger of the reader losing one or more threads and getting confused as each chapter focuses on a different person or people. But not with this book - all of the characters are well fleshed out and likeable for their own various foibles and flaws and as such the reader is never left wondering who or where someone is when they pop back in to the story.
The plot is good and everything is well tied together at the end. The writing style and level of humour remind me of some of Douglas Adams' work (Dirk Gently maybe) and had me staying up well past my bedtime to carry on reading.
A well recommended book.
And a few from Smashwords readers.
Review by: Nagaswami Venkatasubramanian on May. 23, 2010 :

One of the best novels that I have read in recent times- suspenseful, witty and racy. I look forward to more such writings from Mr. Hutcheson.
Review by: Paul Tarnuzzer on Feb. 25, 2010 :

I found this book very entertaining. I also participated in the Book Club discussion on the NookBoards Forum, which added to the enjoyment of the book. I definately recommend this eBook to anyone who enjoys a good adventure comedy!
Review by: Edward Brownstein on Feb. 09, 2010 : (no rating)
Very funny! A madcap adventure along the likes of Carl Hiaasen or Tim Dorsey. The characters have depth and the plot was intricate and fun to watch come together at the end. I can recommend it without reservation.
Review by: Jessica G. on Jan. 01, 2010 :

Loved this book! Hutcheson does a great job creating a host of wacky characters all after the same object. I really enjoyed seeing all of the different plot lines and watching them all converge. I will definitely be recommending this one!
Review by: Bill on Dec. 21, 2009 :

Alan Hutcheson has writen a wonderfully fun tale that will keep you reading all night. Ted and Jerry make a unique team on the hunt for a strange relic once owned by a super powerful Washingtom lawman; and if thats not enough they have a crossbow wielding albino after them to keep them from slowing down. The characters are weird and entertaining they will make you laugh. I can't wait for Alan's next book.
Review by: Donna Rail on Dec. 20, 2009 :

This very funny book had great characters and a fast-moving plot. The reader is led to wonder what could possibly be so special about the title object. A madcap quest takes the various groups of people closer and closer to the goal. Each of them will have very different reasons. Messed-up hotels, dodgy cars, and a slew of other details makes this novel seem like it could happen to you. I loved this book. It would make a great movie, too.
Review by: dreams on Nov. 20, 2009 :

Great fun from start to finish. The various antics of the characters had me laughing out loud as I visualized the situations. I loved following the old lady sisters, Amelia and Doreen (they were so real that I could almost hear their conversations) and Ted and Jerry (that guy had more stuff he was into than poor Ted could keep up with). If that wasn't enough, add in the alphabet soup of government agencies and “the clothing optional former onion festival queen". I had no idea how it was going to end and couldn't wait to find out. This will definitely be on my to-be-read-again list.
And from Amazon (US)
Fun Read!, September 17, 2010
By | blondie (Washington, DC) - See all my reviews |
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
This reminded me of a cross between Dave Barry's Big Trouble and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Don't be mistaken, Alan Hutcheson has his own brand of talent and shows it off in Boomerang. This is a funny, convoluted tale of mystery and mayhem. It's a mad dash to see who can get to the boomerang first. Why? The Boomerang contains detrimental CIA secrets. I'll try to sum it up: Ted is a jazz musician but his guitar, Sarah, is in the window of a pawn store. In order to get some cash to spring her Ted teams up with Jerry for an assignment from the AABC an unofficial branch of the government. The assignment is to get the boomerang... but so many things can go wrong with such a simple assignment. Things like a crazy pair of Australian sisters, an insane assassin who carries a crossbow, a cheerleader who rarely wears clothes, and a senator or two. I strongly recommend you follow Ted and Jerry (I kept wanting to say Tom and Jerry!) on this adventure. You will laugh the whole way.Delightful characters,
By | J. Kirkham![]() ![]() |
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Boomerang (Kindle Edition)
Unique and delightful characters abound. I found the sisters to be particularly funny in a somewhat sneaky kind of way. Laughter would erupt almost before I knew it! Most enjoyable. Even this from a review on Amazon UK:
I laughed like a drain reading Boomerang. This is a superb globe-trotting jet-setting farce that had me turning pages and staying up far too late, skipping work and finding hiding places in which I could read undisturbed.